This category is intended to contain all the "help" pages for this Wikia: pages that can help contributors and/or readers. Most, but not all, have "Help:" at the beginning of their page names and are therefore in the "Help" namespace; an automatically-generated list of those can be found at Special:Allpages by running down the "Namespace" menu. Many wikis also make much use of a Help:Contents page, where headings and tables may be used to cover the main areas, in contrast to a category, which is fairly rigidly based on alphabetical order.
If you find helpful pages that you think should be here, you may include them here just by typing [[category:help]] on them.
You can also:
- ask questions at the forum
- talk to one of the site administrators or any currently active contributor (the people whose names appear on the "Recent changes" page); use their User Talk pages.
If you can't find what you need on this wiki, you can seek help at the Central Wikia. There are more help pages at Wikia:Category:Help, and you can use the Central forum.
If you still need help, you may want to contact the Wikia Community Team.
If you with to know what NOT to do, visit this user's Contribution Page, and look at the outcome at This Talk Page. There are no second chances for people like this.
All items (7)